Three applications under the Freedom Of Information Act 2000 were made by a supporter at the end of December 2008 - all of these are listed above and each one relates to raids in the area of Leeds that White lives but not specifically to him as any information relating to an individual will not be published. However they ARE obliged to disclose general facts such as whether any raids took place on the dates White alleges he was raided - in essence as much information as possible was submitted but not actually anyone's name. If these FOI requests came back with no raids in the area White lives on the day he states it happened then clearly White is proven to have fabricated the raid, fabricated the folder he has shown to people, fabricated all of the tales of RVF and BFF being nicked if they attended the BPP demo etc. These requests were made twenty nine days ago and to date no information or requests by West Yorkshire Police to extend the period of disclosure have been received.
The Freedom Of Information Act was introduced in 2000 and made it a legal obligation for ANY public body to disclose any reasonable request pertaining to information held. The EXACT wording from the Act is available HERE and is also produced below:
General right of access to information held by public authorities
(1)Any person making a request for information to a public authority is entitled—
(a)to be informed in writing by the public authority whether it holds information of the description specified in the request, and
(b)if that is the case, to have that information communicated to him.
This legislation applies to numerous public bodies such as Councils, Courts, various public services, Governmental departments etc and certainly the Police. There are exceptions, for example (and this may be relevant later on) if national security may be compromised as a result of a disclosure the request can be refused. Applications are made and then, as the legislation CLEARLY defines HERE that they have twenty days to respond, again the exact wording is reproduced below:
Subject to subsections (2) and (3), a public authority must comply with section 1(1) promptly and in any event not later than the twentieth working day following the date of receipt.
However, the body receving the request CAN request an extension to this twenty day period BUT must contact you within the statutory twenty days to inform you of this extension. This is not good practice - this is a legal requirement.
Our supporter has made almost two hundred Freedom Of Information requests in the past year and has NEVER not seen the above protocol adhered to fully. Until the applications concerning raids in the area White lives were submitted... The generic acknowledgment was received without a problem but NOTHING since. Why is this? Might it be that West Yorkshire Police are assisting in concealing the identity and the lies of a certain police informer who lives in that very area?! Might it be that we're getting too close to uncovering White as a police grass and they don't want to see that happen?! It is absolutely impossible that THREE requests submitted could have gone astray - and this has NEVER happened before in over TWO HUNDRED FOI requests, the vast majority of which were to various Police forces throughout the UK. Effectively we can conclude this: We get close to exposing White as a police informer and the irony of course is it would be the very people he reports to helping us do it. This will never happen so instead the West Yorkshire Police are electing to sweep this under the carpet to protect White. They may also come back and say it may cause a breach of national security (as detailed above) and if this is the case I think this is reasonably irrefutable evidence that White is without doubt a grass. Either way, there can be no other explanation.
The complaint seen above (bottom) has been submitted to West Yorkshire Police, however I have a sneaky suspicion they won't be in a rush to acknowledge this either. If they don't then a public protest will be arranged outside West Yorkshire Police HQ.
Well done for helping to expose Tony White as a lying grass. Hopefully people will finally learn what they should have learned many years ago.
fuck me can you people not shut the fuck up.it,s old news why drag it up.or is it a smoke screen to take the heat away from someone else.
nationalists in correspondence with the police over a hundred times in a year.now that speaks volumes.
'Anonymous' AKA Foxy/Deano - use a spell check at the very least; we like to maintain a certain standard on here and in all honesty you're lowering it. Spell. Check.
Slobering mongs ffs get a grip on rality you sound like a bunch of conspiracy theory lefties;dont know this white charachter personally but know others who do that say this is bollox. Others on the other hand have plenty to say about those involved in all this.
Well get them to spit it out a bit lively then you half-witted cunt.
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