Thursday, 22 January 2009


Well, I would think it's a dot on the cards that the so called "independent anti-fascist researcher" Larry O'Hara has perused this blog more than a few times since it was set up. Has he got any comments he might like to add in relation to the claim he wrote 'White Lies'? If so please feel free to leave them. Obviously, as Nationalists we will take anything he has to say with a pinch of salt but nevertheless, I am sure it will be interesting.


Anonymous said...

Come on Larry, don't sulk just because I tried to get a photo of you for Red Watch!!

Anonymous said...

HA! ES you have a dubious past involving some shady persons and need to be very very careful who you rub up the wrong way.
You have a very short memory unlike some, Mr Barbecue in Romford.

Anonymous said...

Name the "shady" persons. "Rub up the wrong way"? Do something about it then. "Barbeque in Romford"? I'm still waiting for my invite 11 years later.