Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Coming Soon!

Tomorrow we will be publishing the paperwork that White alleged was used to facilitate his alleged raid and arrest on the 1st October.  There is a glaring error on these images which casts doubt over their validity.  It is our belief that White used the paperwork from his last raid and arrest and doctored them to appear as if they had been published in 2008.  We have invited White to show us the ORIGINAL paperwork and the 2008 paperwork so we can see whether they're different but he has so far refused our kind offer.  

Check back tomorrow and see for yourselves what you think.  


deano said...

i been told by a mate that i,m commenting on this blog.

well kate ed and kev if i was commenting then i would,nt be hiding behind anonymous.if i had anything to say trust me i would.

as for this blog well it,s of no real interest to me i have better things to do than muck spread.

so crack on and leave me out of it.

thanks deano/foxy.14/88

Resurrected said...

Strange. You told me that you had been posting on here as an anonymous user.

It seems that everything that comes from you and your new lot is questionable. I dunno about you but honesty and loyalty fall into the same category in my book.

The Exposer! said...

The ip that the vast majority of Anonymous' comments post from is in Deano's home town and I don't know if anyone else has noticed but Anonymous makes the same grammatical errors as Deano? Instead of leaving your tripe on here I suggest you stick to betraying your Comrades like you have done this week.

Another traitor.