Lie number:
1) That Peter Rushton is anything to do with the White Lies blog.
2) That I, Kate or Kev have attacked the BFF or RVF. My only worry is that White will lead these basically decent but naive Nationalists into Prison where White's controller Gable wants them.
3) That this has anything to do with anyone other than White. I have nothing against Bob, Stuart, Dave or anyone else who has unwittingy nailed their colours to the mast of a Grass.
4) That Larry O'Hara wrote the book White Lies. Even Joe Owens himself I think will confirm this is not so. Dave Owens, one time Leeds & Yorkshire BNP Organiser wrote it. What White is relying on here is the fact that most of the people he is hooked up with weren't involved in Nationalism back then when the booklet was written. An indication of White's guilt can be ascertained from the fact that all his friends in Nationalism (other than his Searchlight pal Alan Newark) live outside Leeds.
5) That I have threatened him - that's the last thing I would do to a known Police grass, especially one that records most of his phone calls.
6) That I am working with a reporter. In actual fact Bob James & Dave Hill brought him along to the Remembrance Day March in the hope of getting publicity for White's split. This was confirmed two weeks later in a conversation between Bob & BNP Organiser Warren Glass in an East End Pub.
If I have missed anything here I will return later and update.
One last thing White, Don't Fuck With Me cos you will sincerely regret it.
If I have missed anything here I will return later and update.
One last thing White, Don't Fuck With Me cos you will sincerely regret it.
all of the rvf/bff shit come about cos white told certain people he'd been raided by the police prior to the leeds demo. he claimed the old bill had left a file after tha raid which gave details of the rvf and bff and in this folder it said they would be nicked if they went to the demo. so they didn't go and nobody can blame em for that. but that folder was a load of bollocks as if the filth would leave a folder and he told at least five people about it but noe denys it all. they didnt go cos white lied to them simple. they seem decent lads but white uses them and manipulates them. i dont think he was raided even.
Yes, I would like to see all the paperwork for the supposed raid. He also clamed he was bailed & has been up in Court so let's also see the bail & charge sheets. Let's see the originals not some forged ones from an earlier rest put on line so as not to be fully scrutinized.
I was with Warren Glass when Bob James admitted he had brought the Repoerter with him. I suppose he'll now try to deny it.
White says 'White Lies' was written as a smokescreen? A smokescreen for what exactly? He also says that O'Hara wrote it?? So now we have Red Researchers writing smokescreens for the right wing - makes a lot of sense that. More like White is trying to put up a smokescreen himself.
White produced scans of the paperwork he alleges related to that raid. However there are obvious inconsistencies and I do believe this paperwork he is producing has been doctored and is in fact from his last arrest when he received a custodial sentence. Various checks are being carried out to determine whether this raid did indeed take place but I am resolutely convinced it did not. We shall see what the checks proffer but I am convinced the paperwork he has so far produced are doctored ones from a couple of years ago.
(Repeat of entry on main blog)
On two instances but in the same telephone call I gave Tony White information about me, one part was entirely fictional whereas the other was not. However both details were certainly unique in the fact that nobody else on this Earth knew about them (obviously that makes sense on the one as it was made up to test him!). Within twelve hours BOTH of these pieces of information appeared on Indymedia and the B+H Guestbook; the latter entry was made by a tosser who'd been contributing masses of anti-fascist and generally divisive nonsense leading up to the Leeds demo and the Indymedia entry I forget whose name was attributable to that but I will check later.
This is conclusive evidence of one of two things - either Tony White fed that information to the reds making him a grass OR he had masqueraded as the poster Che who'd spent weeks antagonising all sorts of nationalists. Neither of these is obviously very promising but BOTH certainly indicate he is untrustworthy and a grass. Certainly the vast majority of anti-Kate Dermody stuff on the web is labeled McDermody and in every solitary conversation White calls me by this incorrect name whereas all the reds who call and email me call me by the proper 'Dermody'. Again, yet more compelling and damning evidence that Tony White is not to be trusted.
More lies added to White's blog: I say again, the journalist Nick Ryan was invited by Dave Hill & Bob James. Yes, I spoke to him & yes a brouhgt me a few drinks, as he did Dave Hill & Bob James. He is not writing a book on the Right but was suppoasedly doing a freelance article for the Sunday Observer on 'Unity' in the right - whata joke. He was invited on White's request when he thought he had a chance of the BPP attaching itself to his band of splitters and amalgamating into a new Party - with him as leader of course. He talks of putting up recorded telephone messages ont his blog. Well Tony, why don't you go one better & produce all the paperwork rellevant to your recent raid and arrest??
On Remembrance Sunday I and Eddie met up in East London along with 'Always White' off SF. We were originally meant to be meeting Bob James & Dave Hill. However, they never turned up as they were preoccupied with the meet they'd set up with the reporter Nick Ryan at a pub in Liverpool Street. Eddie rang Bob who told us where he & Dave were, conveniently neglecting to tell us Ryan was with them. We jumped in a cab to Liverpool Street & met them and that was the first we knew about a journalist coming, On seeing Ryan, Eddie said he would have to ring people he had asked to attend the March & mark their card as some might not be too impressed that a journalist was there. Bob & Dave asked Eddie not to as this might turn people off of atending. Eddie mulled it over and agreed as the NF had been given notice by the Police that if they couldn't muster at least 50 people ther would be no more Remembrance day march in future years.
The Leadership of British Movement are all in agreement that White is a wrong-un, not to be trusted & not welcome at any events or gigd organised by them.
Re: Tony White, never met him but I've heard the various allegations and read WHITE LIES years ago. Good, trusted corades of mine in Yorkshire swear that White is a tout. (Steve Cartwright was a top BNP activist for many, many years and was around when 'White Lies' was written, he is the top B & H man in Scotland & has given me permission to quote the above)
complete shite dragged up as a smoke screen to take the heat of a certain fat cunt who is a state asset.
Foxy - I never thought Sid Williamson was state!
I see that retard White & his brainless cronies have set up a blog attacking anyone with the intelligence to expose the piece of scum for what he is. well, that's not entirely correct is it now? I notice there is one name missing - that of Joe Owen's who has publicly stated on Stormfront that White is a "low-grade Police snitch". Ok, he thinks I'm a wrong-un too, but at least I have had the balls to defend myself and put my case to him. White being the two-bob wanker that he is has done nothing of the sort & neither have any of his supporters other than the naive teenager Pino88.
I notice a lot of stuff gets posted on Inymedia about White. Strange that they have not mentioned the rerelease of 'White Lies'. It's also strange that nothing as of yet has appeared on the Antifa site, who are known to jump on this sort of thing. Yet more evidence that most of the stuff about White that appears on Indymedia is posted by himself using proxy servers to make it appear that others have posted it. Are Antifa not mentioning this because they are covering for one of their informants?
it has been common knowledge for months that white fills the pages of indymedia but i dont think he is a red i think he is a police grass sent to stir up the movement and stop any unity. i think he has been cought sometimes in the past with some dodgy stuff and theyve had him by his balls ever since and now theyre using him as a grass he is well known up here as a dirty snitch
also you have kate the state who has been around one year so ask yourself much has this dirty piece of shite contributed to the movement other than causing disunity,and atarting hate campaigns aganst those she feels threatned by or who stand in her way.lets see he censoship in work.
One year? Rubbish. I have NF membership cards dating back to 2000 so clearly your maths is as bad as your spelling.
That's correct, we will NOT publish your ridiculous comments that consist of name calling. However, if any of you have anything sensible to say in relation to the allegations made against White, then send them in and they will get published. We all know that's jusy not gonna happen though don't we? And as for me being "a known rent boy", don't make me laugh. Everyone who knows me also knows I worked as a Doorman for many years & took full advantage of the main perk - women throwing thereselves at us every night of the week.
Peter Ruston working for Searchlight? He may well be but until you can furnish me with proof, or very damning circumstantial evidence I think you had better get your head out of your arse & have another think about White.
This site doesn't need to lie to make it's case. We will only publish what we believe to be true, unlike White and his supporters.
I see white is now rounding up all the retards and deviants of the movement and getting them yet again to fight his battles for him on the various forums etc. yes the biggest buffoon in nationalism who white has spent the last six months slagging off has now voiced his support to white. mike says he has had all the same stuff written about him and he s definitly not a red though i see he hasnt denied being a red or a jew and also he misses the vital point that no1 gives a fuck about him as he is a no mark int he movement anyway. oh theres the drug addict buster and alcoholic slapper gill gerome on board to, i bet white muct be really chuffed now hes got those lot on side hahahahahahahahaah
funny you say you have membership cards going back to 2000 funny that i heard if from your own fat mouth you have only been active for just over a are a compulsive liar.with a dodgy background which will come out.mark my words.
I've seen Kate's old NF membership cards. But anyway, how does a having a membership card make you active? Perhaps The Yorkshire Organiser of the NF could get in touch withHQ and ask them to look on the NF database for Kate's details? Oh no. I forgot, White was lying again when he said that wasn't it?
If having a membership card made you active Tony White has not been active in the NF for seven years.
I will scan my 2000 membership card and put it on my blog later.
Foxy can't grasp (let alone spell) what being active means - having a membership card does not make someone politically active, it makes them a member of a political group, a supporter. I have been ACTIVE for 18 months, since I joined the BPP. To save Foxy looking it up here's the Oxford English Dictionary's definition of ACTIVE:
doing things for an organization, cause, or campaign, rather than simply giving it one's support : she was an active member of the church | he had never been very active in the affairs of the institute | he enjoyed the active support of the government.
"Within twelve hours BOTH of these pieces of information appeared on Indymedia and the B+H Guestbook"
I'm sure this is correct, but how about putting links, so people can see for themselves?
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