Tony White frequently makes reference to his friendship with Joe Owens - yet here is PROOF that his claims are (surprise surprise!) yet more lies!! We'd certainly get our money's worth out of that lie detector test! White = lying scum.
Or as White himself puts it "economical with the truth".
I see the senile moderator The GameKeeper is defending White as he always does-he is a member of the exclusive Leeds Piss Head Gang led by morrison and scared of Whitey boy. God knows why cos white is yellow. thats why he ended up on protection in the nick. tony yellow!
well white told me the exact same thing that him and joe owens were great mates. i will vouch for this as white told plenty of people and he said stuff that i won't say on here but anyone who white spoke to about owens i reckon will know exactly what i m on about here.
Yeah, that's the sad thing about it all - that so many of the ones supporting White must know that he lies, and must've even caught him out lying themselves. They obviously know that alot of what is being said on this blog is true (it's all true actually) but they don't want to believe it's true mainly because they don't like Kate, Kev or Eddy.
The only reason White is lying about Owens is to reinforce his own hardman image & to cultivate the appearance of being on the fringes of the underworld as a bit of a "player". It's pathetic really cos all he is in real life is a shop assistant.
Strange that EVERYONE White has got to support him are the very people that hate Kev, Kate or Ed? Stranger still that the majority of the people White has spent the past few months slagging off... mike was a copper according to White Sid was a Griffin grass Pino was thick and up mikes arse jen was a jew etc etc etc but suddenly theyre all great. white is a wrong un and these people will learn that when they get banged up cos of mr entrapment himself
@busters bong.
why do they hate kev,kate and ed as you state.do you know summat we do not???
Yes it would appear we do - that Tony White is a proven grass.
Pino88 on Stormfront is another snitch. Not sure a red or working for police, but a wrong in all the same.
Joe Owens.
@ m,k.
you consistenly call people grasses were is your proof??
not white the others you have stated.or are you mud flinging hopeing some may stick???
does that make you a wrong un then as your proscribed from the next rememberance day march for attacking a old man.?
Why don't you address that question to Mr.Owens Tony? Are are you scared of something?
Mr.Owens seems to be of the same belief as MK. Why not ask him also?
Strange, to my knowledge my name has appeared on no NF proscription list to date. In fact I even have the latest bulletin right in front of me and there is only one name that is proscribed. I will say though, from what I heard through the grapevine today, 3 or 4 more may be appearing in the not too distant future....
Talking of NF proscriptions, wasn't it Terry Blacham that originally proscribed White back in 2001 0r 2002? It's funny how White's efforts to disrupt the Front have more or less coincided with Terry's departure.
OI YOU FUCKIN PRICK, what do you mean I'm a grass, were's ya proof, we went thro all this shit with the wolfpack, if you have proof, put it up, also I see you say I have been around for 5mins, you knob you know fuck all, Kruger has known me for 5yrs, and I was around before that.
Eddie pls post this up, and pass on my email for the appropiate arsehole to contact me.
"It's pathetic really cos all he is in real life is a shop assistant."
Where?! Who'd emply this idiot?!!
well, Gable & SB would employ him! Anyway, i am reliably informed by a Comrade from Leeds that he works as some sort of sales assistant on an industrial estate somewhere in Leeds, don't know the exact location & I wouldn't publish it even if I knew it because then I'd be accused of being a wrong-un.
"I wouldn't publish it even if I knew it because then I'd be accused of being a wrong-un."
Fair enough ES. I just find it hard to believe anyone would emply the idiot! The cops may have put a good word for him, but he is barely numerate and literate, and any business would regard him as a total liability, particularly when it comes to dealing with members of the public. How many ex-cons walk straight into a job. I can only guess that the job was part of his deal with SB.
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