Thursday, 19 February 2009


Whilst scrutinising the fabricated Search Warrant that White recently claimed was from his 2008 raid I noticed something glaringly obvious that means this warrant would have been rendered instantly invalid - check out the section where White has written on it - on such a serious, heinous crime you'd think the coppers might have spelt 'inflammatory' right wouldn't you! Unless of course (as we have said repeatedly) it wasn't the Police who wrote on that sheet? The Police would NEVER have made this crude error as it would have rendered that warrant useless and inadmissable as the charge of possessing racially inflammatory material does not exist in English Law - that fundamental spelling mistake means A) It was NEVER written by a copper and B) That's because it was written by someone who it would be safe to say isn't the brightest spark and can't spell, in other words - White. More proof that White wrote that Warrant himself by using old warrants. Now tell me this - why would ANYONE do that? Because they're a wrong un that's why.


Anonymous said...

I don't know if a spelling mistake would make the "warrant" void. I've been nicked plenty of times & have all sorts of paper work absolutely riddled with Police spelling mistakes - so it's not unusual to come across a semi-literate Copper. However, White is a bit of a retard to the point of over-confidence and so not checking the spelling when he was trying to pull a stroke like that would fit in well with the fact that he believes himself to be of higher intelligence then the idiots he has fooled.

Anonymous said...

What ever happened about the FOI request to the Police asking if there were raids in White's area that day?

Anonymous said...

It's funny that the Coverts are supporting White (in public anyway) because shortly before being banned on SF again for the umpteenth time by the power crazed geriatric wanker and "ex"-Communist Party member Ian Christie (Game keeper) I received a PM from Williams saying that the fact White had stated on the East London & Yorkshire NF blog that Larry O'Hara had written 'White Lies' "did make me wonder". It is obvious to anyone other than an idiot that the Covert support of White is only because they want to attack any person or Organisation that is either hostile or unfriendly to the current BNP Leadership. Anyway, I have it from a very reliable source that Joe Owens is on his way back to the BNP because the C.U.N.Ts are on their way out as Griffin can no longer control them & they are becoming a big embarrassment.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with both your comments E.S. The cops often make spelling mistakes, and that wouldn't necessarily invalidate a warrant. This one is pretty glaring however! Hope Griffin does kick out the CUNTS, they would bring shame to any Nationalist organisation - even the BNP.

Anonymous said...

The thing is, yes the Police do make spelling mistakes. However, and I'm only assuming here, surely the Copper that would've drafted the warrant would've been of Desk Sargent rank or above - to rise that high then i think it is also fair to assume that he would be fairly educated & at least able to spell correctly on the warrant. Anyhow, surely the Magistrate who signed the warrant would've noticed the dire spelling and insisted on a new one being typed/written up? Who knows? I just can't wait for White's "Court Case".....

Anonymous said...

It's all a bit reminiscent of White's declaration of INDEPENDANCE. Another obvious spelling error. Next time he is inside he should attend basic English classes.

Anonymous said...

Is it only me that has noticed he always takes his Wife on activities with a video camera. I wonder where exactly all that footage turns up? He also records all his phone conversations - what the fuck is that all about?

Anonymous said...

I remember the early 80s & Ray Hill - he was ultra-active & had a bit of a following among 'hardliners'. Turned out to be one of the biggest wrong-uns in Nationalism. I also remember there was two or three people warning everyone about him, but as usual no one listened till it was all too late......

Anonymous said...

Ian Christie an ex-red? Funny how all these Leeds ex-reds seem to congregate together. There's Morrison, Newark & Christie. All ex-reds and alcoholics to boot. I just hope next time Christie is in Hospital they discharge him in a box.