These two files were sent by White in the days proceeding the alleged raid on the 1st October 2008. The general consensus is that these are actually doctored from his Diamonds In The Dust raid and it is most interesting that the one sheet was sent in two parts. At the time White's excuse for doing this was that "i scanned the tops of the sheets in as theyre blipping out i think because of the size" - this of course is absolute nonsense. Also interesting is the blatant contradiction on the two parts; the top picture clearly states that the search warrant is issued on the grounds of a search for an electric stun gun yet the bottom picture says it is to search for racially inflammatory material - this occurrence alone would actually invalidate the warrant we are told. Thirdly - note the stark contrast in styles of handwriting on the second picture. Why different examples on one warrant? This again does not make ANY sense whatsoever.
White himself produced these documents yet refuses to show the paper work from his Diamonds In The Dust raid. Why? It is generally perceived that the copies above are in actual fact doctored ones from his DITD arrest and producing these will prove instantly that the 2008 raid paper work is NOT genuine. However, if that raid DID happen it still does not explain how he evaded his licence being immediately revoked when a stun gun was allegedly taken from the house. Also, why has White not yet defended himself over this issue? If White was raided and his tales of a fourteen hour search and seizure of a firearm ARE true then he should have been sent straight back to prison yet he was not.
Whichever way we look at it there are glaring inconsistencies with this story - and that is precisely what we believe it is. His followers all know that White told them that the Police left a file after this search which stated the BFF and RVF would be arrested if they attended the BPP demo on the 18th October yet three people reputed to be BFF members DID attend and were NOT arrested! There was not a solitary arrest that day though White claimed the Police had camped outside his house all day on the 18th then he said they surrounded him on a bus then he said he was in a closed shop with ten men armed with crossbows on the day!! All of these statements were repeated in front of numerous people even though some of them (the less bright and similarly-alleged reds and grasses) now elect to bury their head and deny it. Why are his supporters concealing the truth?
There remain far, far too many unanswered questions and these copies of warrants are certainly only the tip of the proverbial iceberg... One thig is certain - Tony White Lies. Again and again and again. Why Tony?
It has to be said that this warrant DOES look suspect.
Anonymous - how so in your opinion? Please elaborate.
"Anonymous - how so in your opinion? Please elaborate."
This is just a casual observation you understand, but the first sheet is entirely typewritten (and a very easy document to forge I would imagine.) In contrast the second sheet has blank spaces for the details, and has not been kept in the same pristine condition. Possibly it's older. I also imagine it would be very easy to forge or alter the details. More important than any of this though (and I do note the similiarity with White's own handwriting) is that the two sheets refer to two entirely different offences - Either the police were searching for a stun-gun or for racialist material, possibly even for both, but if they had been searching for both, it would have said so on the first sheet. If they were searching for a stun gun alone, that information would have been duplicated on the second sheet. Personally, I think these documents have all the hallmarks of a rather bad forgery.
Also note the blatantly incorrect spelling of 'inflamitory" - this would NEVER happen. The startling similarity to the handwriting on the warrant and the letter is obvious to see and I think is indubitable proof that White himself forged that warrant because he had to back up the lies about the raid.= which it appears did not happen - as we had been saying for months. Also as you too have noticed, the two different grounds for the search are another massive inconsistency when compared to a genuine warrant.
What I don't understand is this: Why has White not come forward to defend himself and WHY are his supporters still supporting him when it is glaringly obvious that White has been feeding them bullshit for months, in some cases decades.
ha ha ha you idiots.
"idiots"? Please don't talk about Tony's friends like that, they may get upset and smash a window.
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