Monday, 27 April 2009


Just Googled it and low and behold it is partly a closed Prison & partly Open. this would explain the pic of White outside the Prison with another Inmate (probably on an outside work party) Well I have done 8 Prison sentences as well as two times on Remand (one abroad) and anyone who knows the Prison system in this Country will tell you, the only people that get sent to Open Prisons are: bent Coppers, white collar criminals the occasional nonce and Grasses. seems very strange to me a notorious and very dangerous Nazi Thug (according to Searclight anyway) would get sent to an Open Nick. Incidentally, wearing a B & H t-shirt in an open nick is no big feat as most cons in those places just want to get out and are usually there because the Prison system has deemed them to be non-violent. Of course, they could've been sent there for another reason - to spy on the other Cons.


blackbeard said...

I woz in Ford Open Priz in 88 and that woz coz the screws woz on strike in other prisons and coz of overcrowding. it was full of grasses like white.

Anonymous said...

i have like your selves been the other side of the wall.last time 2002,people above cat c status we getting sent to open prisons for the same reason as blackbeard.also lifers end up in open prisons once they have achieved cat c status,so i think it would be wrong to say that everyone in an open nick is a white collar worker grass or charlie chester,or bent copper.but your right in the old days it used to be this way.but things has drasticaly changed since slopping out have they not.

ES said...

Yes, things have changed. Thing is though on the so called "Nationalism Today" blog it is stated White had a stint of "Good Order & Discipline" for getting in it with the "Asian Contingent" - In other words he was sent down the block for fighting. Strange that because last time I did a sentence longer than a shit & shave people were knocked back from getting C catted, home leave or Parole for that sort of thing. Stranger then how white was not only D catted but released early on license/parole too. Plenty just don't add up about the bloke.

Anonymous said...

Tony White went on 'Protection' when he was in Armley,

scum sorter said...

White himself said he was on protection in armley though claimed repeatedly he had been given no choice in the matter. Bollocks.

Also, does this mean white and Atki were in moorland at the same time though obviously Atki wasn't cat 4, however neither Atki or white have ever mentioned being in the same nick at the same time? I think that photo was taken when white was at moorland visiting Atki.

Anonymous said...

Atkinson is at HMP Lindholm not Moorland. The two prisons are right next to each other but are separate prisons altogether.

mikes bum chum said...

Atki was at HMP Moorland I know people who visited and they say it was definitly moorland

ES said...

What the fuck has Atki got to do with it?