Here's more PROOF that White (and his cronies such as Joe Rhodes, Wigan Mike etc) lies. All of these cretins have stated on NUMEROUS occasions that no more than thirteen people attended the BPP demo last year outside HMV. Representatives from the BPP repeatedly stated there were more but the above idiots and liars still said the number was thirteen at the highest and that we were the liars. A freedom of information request was duly submitted and has come back, we have reproduced it below so that YET AGAIN we can PROVE that Tony White (and his puppets) LIES!
In addition, this also adds more substance to claims that scum like Joe Rhodes, and the rest of the pricks on VNN spout bullshit. They LIE. More recently they are totally ignoring the fact that their mate Foxy lives with and has kids with a woman TWICE married to non-Whites! Yep, as usual WE PROVED it so now they just don't acknowledge it, instead they resort to their usual limited-intellect tactic of trying to smear good people. Here's a little question for the gang - you claim it's dodgy that when KD Was raided by counter-terrorism they didn't take her laptop. We have said that this was because it was at the hotel, not her home. What WE find interesting, and nobody can seem to sort out is this:
Wigan Mike was nicked at a BPP meeting for possession of a dangerous weapon (obviously not his brain) - he was pulled by TSG, arrested, had spent the previous weeks posting threats all over the net - YET AMAZINGLY HE WAS NOT RAIDED AT ALL?! Mmmmmmmm as he'd say!
Come on VNN - answer the questions! Why wasn't Mike raided? Why are you all choosing to ignore Foxy's Mrs TWICE marrying and having kids with non-Whites? Mmmmmmmmm.
FOI Reference No: FOI-2009127/605
I write in connection with your request for information dated 27th April 2009 and listed below. Your request for information has now been considered and the information asked for under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 is as follows:
I would like information pertaining to a public demonstration which took place on the 18th October 2008 in Lands Lane, Leeds outside HMV. This event was heavily policed and I would like you to disclose how many protestors representing the organisation who organised the event (The British People's Party) were in attendance, i.e. how many protestors were in the area immediately adjacent to HMV in the area specifically cordoned off for the BPP? On the day it was confirmed by Inspector Oldroyd as twenty one, can you please confirm this figure was accurate?
During the public demonstration which took place on the 18th October 2008 in Lands Lane, 20 protestors were in the area immediately adjacent to HMV in the cordoned area referred to in your request.
The reference number is given above and can therefore be checked (like the birth and marriage certificates can)!
Tony White Lies - yet again. When will the less-cerebral around him finally see him for what he is?
Cos they are retard filth.
That Wigan Mike, calling himself Wigan Loyalist, is on Bernard O'Mahoneys website forum, bumming up to that grass Mahoney all the time. If you go through it he also slags off David Copeland.
It is quite obvious that what is posted on this blog about White and others is actually believed to be true by the people doing the posting whereas the stuff splashed all over the net by his supporters about Kate is obvious lies, none of which they actually believe themselves - work it out.
considering there was only twenty people in attendance any how suggests that the event was a shambles some what. like your party.i think certain parties referred to thirteen bpp members as watty big steak and others are not members of the bpp at the time they was members of the bff.there was sventeen in attendance that day i know as i was there.but if you need to argue the fact over an extra seven or not shows your desperation in general.are the bpp standing in the euro elections?
i hope so it`ll be funny as fuck to realise you will not get more than your un lucky thirteen.have a nice day you sad fuckers.
We're obviously doing as well as the NF then aren't we?
Your maths is as bad as your spelling you thick twat.
The bpp pulled in 20 and would have been more if mnike hadn't lost his bottle MMMMMMMMM. Joe Rhodes anti-gay demo pulled in 12 if I am told right and half of them wandered off embarrassed when he started singing god save the fucking queen over the loudhaler. White's POWER do at hyde park pulled in 13 I believe and the NF's recent Luton gig was such a piss poor show they gave up so I would say the bpp are doing brilliantly.Thanks for raising this point so we could clarify it. Good boy.
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