Monday 25 May 2009


When you take his Girlfriend Lisa into consideration & the fact he always seems to be in the middle shit-stirring (not just against Kate & Kev, but he was actively involved against Res & the Wolfpack too), it would appear so. That fact he is Ginger swings it for me.


Anti-Ginger League said...

What, is he another johnny-come-lately? Probably a member of Class War.

Red haired step child said...

I don't think he's working for the other side. He's just another of Mike's arsehole lickers. probably got bullied as a child. I bet those ginger pubes raised a few giggles in the gym changing room.

Sid Williamson said...

Foxy has repeatedly orchestrated loads of arguments between groups. His betrayal of the Wolfpack was absolutely disgusting - he shit on them big time. I do not see any reason why anyone living with a woman whose step-father was non-White, and who married two non-Whites and had kids with these blokes then claims to be a nationalist when it goes against everything the fourteen words are about? That makes no sense whatsoever. SO why do it? Is Foxy a plant?

Sid Williamson again said...

dunno about foxy being a plant but how the fuck does wigan mike afford all these trips away?

that 'man' is a copper.

Darren Noble's overdue dentist appointment said...

Is he a plant? Who knows, he sure is a prick though.