Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Don't Just Take Our Word For It!

This article reviewing the White Lies book appeared in issue 11 of The Rune, a magazine edited at the time by Nick Griffin, Leader of the BNP. 

Click on image to read in full or click here.


Anonymous said...

Wasn't the Rune produced by Nick Griffin & Paul Ballard? Also, was it not a semi-official BNP publication produced in support of the BNP with the full agreement of the then Chairman John Tyndall? That suggests the BNP Leadership of the time must've trusted what the two writers - Dave Owens & Dave Appleyard had to say.

Anonymous said...

Yes. That begs the question why are the C.U.N.Ts supporting White when their Leader Nick obviously thinks White is a wrong-un? Could it be that it is in the BNPs interests to see a weak & divided NF so as it might make the Front weaker & less likely to put up candidates against the BNP thus not splitting any vote??

Anonymous said...

Yes, it was an official BNP magazine using the Croydon BNP PO box. Nick Griffin was the editor and Paul Ballard did the distribution side of things. John Merritt did the desktop publishing.

Nick and Paul were prosecuted for publishing the Rune under the Race Act but luckily both received non-custodial sentences.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Sheffield is in Yorkshire, not too far from Leeds so Tommy & Dave would definitely know plenty of old faces that can confirm the consensus of opinion on White. Does seem strange that they support him. Even more especially as they are friends with Joe Owens who also thinks White is a wrong-un.

The Exposer! said...

White claimed to me that he was in weekly telephone contact with Mr. Gri££in.

I don't want to seem forward here but could it possibly be that WHite has been lying about that too?!!!! This lying malarkey is becoming quite a habit for old Whitey!

Anonymous said...

Reading the review it becomes apparent that White only went to the common place and put the photos up on the C.U.N.Ts site (strangely enough) to whip reds in Leeds & Yorkshire into a frenzy so they would go on the rampage at the BPPs Leeds HMV demo and cause maximum violence. What he also should've done is something equally as stupid so the reds also turned out in force for the Front's Remembrance day March. Then again, he wouldn't have done that because that was one activity he knew he would be on, and anyway, he was busy trying to take over the Front himself at the time and wanted everyone to see what a great job he did helping out with Security.

Anonymous said...

White lies about just about everything. He has lied to all his friends & supporters, they know & so do we. Ain't it about time they fucked the piece of shit off?

Anonymous said...

it,s all old news.try and whip leeds and yorkshire into a frenzy.did,nt kd wm and foxy and others do that by way of responding to red jibes via indymedia and nazi.net?.
so you can,t blame tony for that.surely there has to be more to this than meets the eye.

did not the leeds demo start to fall apart when kd was seen in and out of the pig shop and people were becoming nervous of rumours pertaining to kd activities about giving out personal details of those going to attend the demo?

as stated there is more to this than meets the eye.

The Exposer! said...


How very, very strange then that not a single nationalist arrest was made on the 18th October at the BPP demo if KD was setting everybody up?!

Definitely more than meets the eye - I suggest you get your head out of Mike's arse and open your eyes. The RVF said they would not be going because Tony White told them he had information they'd be nicked if they did, same for the BFF. That is fact not drivelsome fiction like the nonsense you persistently spout.

Anonymous said...

So Kate's a grass because if she hadn't of liased with the Police the demo would never have been allowed & we'd have been moved on after 2 minutes like when the BPP tried to do a paper sale in Brick Lane? In that case, Stuart Hollingdale is also a grass for liasing with Scotland Yard when he Organised the Remembrance Day March; Martin Reynolds (Head of BNP Security) is a wrong-un also for cooperating with Derby Police when Antifa turned uo at last years RWB, John Tyndall must have been working for the State when he worked with the Police when he Organised loads of Public Meetings in London's East End in the 80s & 90s; so must Oswald Mosley for agreeing to Police requests not to March down Cable Street in 1936. what you people are lacking is a brain cell. Nationalism is for law & order. If Kate has liased with Police it's for the good of the movement, not for a pound note like when White "liases".

Anonymous said...

Further more, it was my decision to start this blog & put out 'White lies' - NOT Kate's or Kev's - MINE.

Anonymous said...

thanks for taking out the bits you did,nt like.

es-i never called kd a grass.

people were saying this before the march that names and adrresses of those in attendance was being shared with the old bill.is kd a grass not sure it remains to be seen.but a wrong un yes.

Anonymous said...

Number one, we both know your post was not edited, not by me or with my knowledge anyway, so Tony why don't you send the "bits I didn't like" in again & I'll publish them. Secondly, what exactly do you mean by "wrong-un" if not grass? Thirdly, would Kate or anyone else have the need to give out addresses to the Police? I would think the Police already know all your addresses (they've certainly got mine) as most of the RVF have been arrested or raided before. As for the BFF, so many ridiculous comments and talk of what is going to be done to the Reds has been mentioned on their forum that I bet GCHQ has already traced everyone's IP numbers and addresses and the Police no doubt know exactly who is who and where they you all live. Hey, but why worry about a little thing like the Police? The BFF are the ones that are going "to take the war to the reds" aren't they?

Anonymous said...

Stanton you are the wrong un as you put it drug Taking, drug dealing grass. Yeah saw you talking to whitey in London and very cosy with him at the rvf do or were you just setting him up?
All grassers united.As for whitey who gives a toss he does his time and thats that but not from drug dealing robbery muggin or being a rent boy.
You like to name drop a lot big mistake GRASS!
Keep lying batty boy.

Anonymous said...

I've spoke to White in person twice for about 2 mins luckily. As for being a "Batty boy", pity your Mum weren't saying that when I was hanging out of her the other night. Never mind Darren Noble of Loughton (or is it really Debden) Essex, still time to see a dentist and get those two rows of bombed houses you call teeth sorted out.