Sunday, 18 January 2009


So confident are we that Tony White is a wrong-un we will put our money where our mouths are. A professionally done lie detector test costs around £850 - we are fully prepared to foot the bill. So come on Tony, how's about it?


Anonymous said...

If White took a lie detector test the machine would explode.

Anonymous said...

he prefers to call it the ECONOMICAL WITH THE TRUTH DETECTOR so I have heard.

Towards a Higher Man said...

I wouldn't bother. His controllers would give him drugs to pass it.

Anonymous said...

Do they have drugs that can do that? If so, surely a drug test before the polygraph would find them? I read somewhere that in America some States actually allow the evidence gathered from polygraph tests to be admitted in a Court case or trial. I'll look into that. Thanks.

Towards a Higher Man said...

Do they have drugs that can do that? If so, surely a drug test before the polygraph would find them? I read somewhere that in America some States actually allow the evidence gathered from polygraph tests to be admitted in a Court case or trial. I'll look into that. Thanks.

And who's going to do the drug test? He's a grass and that's all that matters.

Joe Owens

Towards a Higher Man said...

Wigan Mike, Pino88, Reation65, Radical Roy etc are all snitches. They have appeared from nowhere, and all stick together and push the same party line. But this is what happens when you don’t have a sensible party, and push the wrong message. All the above mentioned snitches are not causing trouble in the bnp, are they?

Joe Owens

Anonymous said...

And who's going to do the drug test? He's a grass and that's all that matters.

Joe Owens

To tell the truth Joe, when we offered to pay for the polygraph, we never for one minute expected him to take us up, and he hasn't which to me speaks volumes. Anyway, due to what you have said about drugs that can help pass the test, the offer is now off. It would be nice if others would wake up to the truth about White like we all have.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if the people you mention are wrong-uns or not. Some of the names mentioned are younsters, so I would say that may account for their unbridled extremism - the folly of youth etc. I can say that I disagree 100% about Reaction65 as he is a good friend.

The Exposer! said...

Has anyone else noticed Indymedia and Antifa sites are virtually silent about all this? Why? Might it be because A) In the past it has mostly been him posting rubbish to cultivate the disunity as he is on the patroll of SB or is it B) The reds protect him because they KNOW he is out to try and smash the fash?

Anonymous said...

It's funny really, when you look back on recent events it is now crystal clear what White has been up to all along. Not so long ago I heard that Bob James & Dave Hill (two people I had heard of but never met before until Remembrance Sunday) of East Lomndon NF had heard that I "wanted to do them". Indeed Dave told me in a telephone call that he had received several telephone calls anonymously from someone that persisted in this claim, even after I had rang to reassure Dave that I didn't even know him and that this could only be the work of one of my enemies in the movement trying to cause trouble. At the time we both put it down to the jewish Organiser of Croydon BNP Bob Gertner. In retrospect, I would put money on the fact that White was behind it & was already sowing the seeds for a future violent development involving me & his clique. Just before this happened a post appeared on the C18 Guestbook urging everyone to leave the NF & join the BPP. This was blamed on me until the IP number of the poster was checked & it turned out it was someone from Rotherham. Since then, all sorts of posts appeared on the Guestbook, supposedly, but falsley, from other people. It is so obvious looking back now that it was White posting from a proxy server. He was hoping to draw people's support away from the BPP & towards his little group of would be splitters. Not only that but he was hoping for some sort of violent clash between the two groups which at the moment, mainly due to the naivety of his supporters, looks on the cards. I sincerely hope this can be avoided and as before will state one last time that I have nothing against the BFF, RVF, Atki, Ade, Stuart, Dave or Bob. Wake up fellas. Ok, maybe the Front has stagnated a bit, but White Leadership material? I would've thought Bob James would be the obvious choice, or Stuart. Wake up fellas.

Anonymous said...

"Has anyone else noticed Indymedia and Antifa sites are virtually silent about all this? Why? Might it be because A) In the past it has mostly been him posting rubbish to cultivate the disunity as he is on the patroll of SB or is it B) The reds protect him because they KNOW he is out to try and smash the fash?"

That is a good point. Like with SEarchlight, Indymedia and Antifa are always going on about White - Despite the fact that he's a Nobody. White has lived in the same place for years, yet the Reds have never so much as lobbed a brick through his window. Nor has he ever been attacked by them. Even at Pudsey, he never got touched.