How many days has it been now and still no offer to supply us with (or show them to a trusted third party) the supposed paperwork for the "raid", "arrest" & "charges" that White says really happened? How come Mr.White is still walking about and not banged up on remand??
White told me himself that he was on licence until some time in January, so when he was allegedly raided and allegedly had a firearm seized why oh why wasn't he recalled straight back to prison? I asked White this same question and his response was an absolute classic: He said the licence has a 'safety zone' and miraculously that very period of time was still in force when he was raided, in fact he told me it ran out (so coincidentally!) a week after his raid!
As far as I know, this safety zone is an absolute load of rubbish. However, I have submitted a Freedom Of Information request to West Yorkshire Police and The Probation Service so let's see what that brings up. Not a single person I know that has been out on licence has heard of this safety zone - it is a lie. If White was raided (and I do not believe he was) then he'd have been straight back inside.
I have been on parole and license a few times myself and this talk of a "safety zone" is the biggest load of crap I have ever heard. I should know as I am actually on license now until the March 25th! In actual fact I have to carry the paperwork around with me in case I get stopped by White's friends. Perhaps that's another document we should ask White to see. Then we'd be able to prove conclusively there is no "safety zone". White gets away with all this because he is selective in just who he tells what lies. He never mentioned this to me and I bet he never did to Atki either because he knows we both have experience with the legal justice system. On the other hand, most of the others he surrounds himself with I doubt have spent as much as a night's stay in Police custody - that's why he is so easily able to fool them. Wake up fellas.
Correctio; I was on license for my last sentence until 19th January 2009. God knows where I got the March date from, I must've been distracted while typing that up!
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