Wednesday, 18 March 2009


Don't know how true it is but someone has told me White WAS actually raided, arrested & charged with something. Apparently, he is happy to have this blog up and running as in his defence he will say he has been a long term plant in the Nationalist Movement and use this very blog as proof!!! This begs a few questions: 1) If a Court of law would believe that, why won't White's supporters? 2) If he really is a plant why can't the Police/Gable/whichever Red group he works for put in a word for him? Well, I can't answer the first question, but the second is easy. Without this blog to fall back on, any ridiculously light sentence he receives would come under scrutiny. Also, for obvious reasons he couldn't very well have Gable give evidence for him in open Court now could he? Some may say, if he's working for the Police why was he arrested in the first place? These same people also believe Charlie Sargent was a State Operative (incidentally, I don't), so hypothetically speaking, let's assume for a minute Charlie was a grass - didn't do him much good did it? 12 years on and he's still sitting in a cell. Short of having a letter off SB telling us White is a wrong-un, we will never know for sure. Admitted, everything (apart from the stuff taken from White's bin) is circumstantial, however, there is so much of it & too many "coincidences" for there to be any doubt in many of our minds. Only time will tell, and in the meantime - if in doubt both feet out.


Anonymous said...

White is scum.

Anonymous said...

The Police themselves will simply cover for White and misconstrue any and every piece of evidence proving him to be a grass, that is obvious. In fact though, the more the Police cover for him the better it indicates that they are doing so - what better proof that he's a grass than the West Yorkshire Police covering for him! In this case, actions certainly do speak louder than words!

White is a grass and the police will cover for him as a result, this is why the freedom of information request is mysteriously taking so long. WOnder how they'll cover up this intelligence folder left at his house rubbish?