Tuesday, 17 March 2009

The File.

Sir Norman Bettison - White's Chief Inspector Paymaster.

Over on VNN certain supporters of White are saying he has shown them the infamous Police investigative folder that White alleges the officers carrying out the raid left there by accident!! He further alleges that this folder contained information stating that if any of the BFF or RVF attended the Leeds demo they'd be arrested and sent to prison for five years.  So to conclude, the West Yorkshire Police LEFT THEIR FOLDER AT WHITE'S HOUSE?!?!  During the raid?!  Please.  That people believe this nonsense is in itself quite unbelievable.  That White has spent time either persuading his paymasters over at WYPHQ to create this folder for him or has done his usual trick and fabricated the folder himself to show to the not-so-bright supporters of his is incredulous.  But it did get me thinking...

Tonight I have written to the Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police to lodge an OFFICIAL complaint regarding this folder that White claims was left at his house.  That means once a complaint has been received it has to be investigated.  So let's see if this folder was left there, if it was then there needs to be a fairly speedy official Police investigation in to the matter and White's upporters should be asking themselves WHY White didn't keep that under his belt as most would?  I will also be referring this matter to the Independent Police Complaints Commission if the Police do not proffer me with a satisfactory explanation.

These complaints will clarify whether that folder was ever left at White's house.  I do not believe for a single second that it was - what a load of drivel dreamt only in the mind of a clown like White.  When it comes back that no such folder was ever lost, this will prove ONCE AGAIN that Tony White LIES!!!  I will duplicate a copy of the letter sent to the Chief Constable tomorrow on this blog and any subsequent correspondence.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If indeed there was a file, 5 inches thick so they say, it probably contained all the info & statements he has made about other Nationalists?