Wednesday 21 January 2009

Liar Liar!!

I have reproduced the National Front's proscription of Tony White in their latest member's bulletin, I know it has appeared in other places but I felt it was appropriate to put it on here too as it is unequivocal proof that he is a pathological liar! 

Tony white of Leeds is on our list of proscribed persons. Once again he is trying to forment trouble within the NF. He is NOT TO BE TRUSTED and NF members are advised to have no contact with him. He is NOT the Organiser of the NF in Yorkshire, he is not a member of the NF and has not been a member for at least seven years. All his claims to be so are downright lies.

Ed Stanton and Kate Dermody had spent the preceding two months at least warning people in the National Front and those he had duped in to following him what White was up to and what he was planning, our warnings were mostly not heeded and hey presto, just as we predicted and clearly stated, White attempted (albeit rather unsuccessfully) to split the National Front.  He had masqueraded as the NF Yorkshire organiser posting statements which he had no right to do as he wasn't even a member, let alone an organiser.  What were his motives for this I wonder?  What would he possibly have to gain from persisting with these blatant lies?  Again, as we kept saying it was because he was out to undermine the movement and cause as much disunity as he possibly could.  He had attempted to enroll Ed Stanton, Kev Watmough and Kate Dermody by suggesting we assist him in splitting the NF then combine the membership list of the splintered NF group and the present BPP list. All three declined and told him they wanted no part in harming the NF in any way.  I believe he had two objectives in mind when trying to enroll the three afore mentioned; 1) To cause disunity between the BPP and main NF and cultivate more disunity as his ZOG masters want 2) To try and obtain BPP membership details to pass to ZOG.  He failed dismally in both instances as we became rapidly aware of what he was up to.  

Sadly many people still refuse to acknowledge that Tony White lies despite him claiming he was a future NF leader and it was subsequently proved to be outright lies, much the same as everything else he spouts.  We have proven on here he lied about his friendship with Joe Owens (even Joe Owens himself has stated on here White is a snitch!), we have proven on here he lied repeatedly about being an NF member - and we will continue to prove many more lies too.  We can only advise others to wake up to the reality of friendship with White - he is a filthy, vile liar and should be avoided at ALL costs.  


Anonymous said...

if the people in the nf had listend sooner white would never have got away with it he set out to split it but why didnt anoyone listen

Anonymous said...

Good luck in continuing to expose Tony White as an enemy of Nationalism and agent of ZOG. It has to be asked however, and please don't take offence, but what on earth were ES, KD, and KW doing even speaking to White, particularly Kev, who knows White's track-record well enough?

Anonymous said...

Well, I can only speak for myself. I'd heard rumours about White & also knew a fair few people thought him to be a wrong-un but I'd not actually read the book 'White Lies' until the day before this blog went on line. Around the time the book relates to I had already dropped out of active Nationalism, not to return till 97. I had not come across White so couldn't pass judgement. Also, just before I had met White, Joe Owens had made statements to the affect that I was myself working for the Police. Due to this, which is wholly untrue, I decided to give White the benefit of the doubt. This soon proved to be a mistake when I started hearing all his obvious lies & discovered he clearly had some sort of agenda, though at that time I couldn't quite work out what that was.

Anonymous said...

I had heard virtually nothing about White when we first made contact - I knew nothing of his chequered past and was not aware of a lot of the allegations against him until around four months ago. I became suspicious of his motives when he was caught telling numerous lies between me, ES and KW in the hope of turning us against each other, thus breaking a solid and conducive BPP team and assisting in his primary objective of undermining the BPP in his work for ZOG.

During this same time he approached me and KW and invited us to help him split the NF and amalgamate the 'new' splintered NF with the BPP membership list - we both refused and told him we supported the NF.

The real catalyst was the lead up to the BPP demo when it became abundantly clear that White was doing everything possible to disrupt it. At the time he was posting on forums and guestbooks as reds, as the RVF and putting out false statements, he then stated he had been raided and a folder was left at his home which contained the now infamous load of nonsense which he claimed to NUMEROUS people said if any of the RVF/BFF attended the demo they'd get sent down for 3 years. At this point we knew he had an agenda to disrupt and it could only be due to him being a grass and helping the Police smash the BPP. At the time we were steaming ahead and recruiting massive amounts of new members due to the increase in activities - it was the perfect time to try and halt that very progress.

I can only speak for myself and say that as I didn't know the bloke I gave him a chance; I didn't know any different really.

Bad decision.